What Is The Republican Party Now?
To the Editor:
The Republican Party has metamorphosed into Trump’s Cult. Its present members in Washington include Senators McConnell, Cruz, Graham, and Rubio. It is mind boggling that these Senators are pro-Trump after all the derogatory things Trump has said about them and their families.
There are many plausible reasons why Trump makes so many untruthful statements, but it is a mystery why these Senators do. In addition to Trump’s Cult in Washington, there are also many state lawmakers and governors that support Trump’s Cult. For these legislators to repeat Trump’s lies and support him, even after what he’s said about them, is the mark of being in his cult.
Former President Trump’s approval rating in January 2021 was about 40%. But not all of them are extremists in his cult. There are different degrees of support for the former President. And more importantly the 500 fanatical supporters in Trump’s Cult who attacked our Capitol are only a microscopic part of our Nation. Unfortunately, extremist members of that cult also walk the halls of the House and Senate.
Either way, Trump’s supporters are not the majority of our Democracy. Trump’s Cult Republican Party will be tested in the 2022 elections. It is possible the old Republican Party will be resurrected in the 2024 election with candidates like Liz Cheney, or that Trump will start a new political party.
Trump, his cult, and the Republican Party exemplify the problems we have with our democracy that was caused by the evil, and selfish OnePercenters from the fossil fuel, gun and ammunition, tobacco, social media, and banking industries.
This is not to insinuate the OnePercenters only infiltrate the Republican Party; they also infiltrate the Democratic Party. Former President Obama and President Biden presently are influenced by these same OnePercenters. President Obama had 12 ex-employees from Goldman-Sachs and never did anything that seriously affected the profits of these OnePercenters.
Hopefully America will realize Trump’s Cult are only interested in protecting the OnePercenters and their profits, and when we vote them out of office we can continue back on the road of making the USA — the UNITED States of America instead of the UN-UNITED States of America.
Unfortunately, although Trump’s Cult is only a minuscule part of our population, they get the greater part of the political news coverage.
Paul Adinolfi, a concerned grandfather
189 Julia Court, Sandy Hook July 2, 2021
Any comment on the current financial state of CT after years of Democratic majority rule?
Interestingly you point out and demonize the “One Percenters”… which are predominantly liberal democrats. Social media? Consistently started by and currently run by strong liberals.