Full Circle With Children’s Adventure Center
To the Editor:
This morning I had the opportunity to attend a preschool graduation ceremony at the [Children’s Adventure Center] CAC. My grandson, age 5, participated along with about 30 kids.
It was a special occasion for me, as in the early ’70s, two of my children also attended. I was on the [Board of Directors] and along with many other Newtown folks, at that time planned and managed to have the Center built.
For many years CAC shared space with the VNA and Senior Center. Currently, CAC inhabits the entire building and offers several programs, including an after school program for older children. The school is a marvel. The staff, led by Director “Miss Anna” Ruggerio, is stellar.
As I sat in wonder at 30 little kids parading up to an outside stage, all dressed in bright red robes, I found it difficult to hold back the tears. They were beautiful, bright kids of every gender and ethnicity. We were all of us, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc, also diverse, sharing in a joy that can only come about through commitment, hard work, and the hope that our kids will grow and experience a better world. In a climate where we hear and read so much about how we, as a nation, should be evolving, perhaps we could take a good look at how well we are doing to make that happen... now!
Thanks to the current Board and staff who work so hard and tirelessly to make that happen every day. Many of the early founders and supporters of CAC have moved on to other places and challenges. They had foresight. They left their mark on the Children’s Adventure Center, and if they could, they would be smiling and telling each other: Good job!
Pat Bailey
Brushy Hill Road, Newtown June 25, 2021