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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

How Did Readers Commemorate Juneteenth?



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President Biden last Thursday signed legislation establishing June 19 as Juneteenth, a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery. It is the first new federal holiday since 1983.

With Juneteenth then formally observed for the first time this past weekend, we would like to know: what did our readers do to commemorate the new holiday?

Please comment here, on our Facebook page, or via tweet to @TheNewtownBee. Responses can also be sent directly to Associate Editor Shannon Hicks, at shannon@thebee.com.

Responses may be used for a story in this week’s print edition, to be published Thursday afternoon, and also posted online.

According to The National Juneteenth Celebration Foundation, the star at the center of the Juneteenth flag represents Texas and the extension of freedom for all African Americans throughout the whole nation. The burst around the star represents a nova and the curve represents a horizon, standing for a new era for African Americans. The red, white, and blue colors represent the American flag, which shows that African Americans and their enslaved ancestors are Americans, and the national belief in liberty and justice for all citizens.
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