Concerns About Former President Of The United States
To the Editor:
When will America and political commentators finally realize that former President Trump is mentally ill? We don’t have to be psychiatrists or psychologists to realize that. He has demonstrated to us thousands of times since he came down that elevator.
Only a mentally unbalanced nominee who is running for president would have criticized women the way he did [in 2015], or criticize an American judge because his parents were Mexican immigrants. And dozens of psychiatrists went against rules of their profession to claim he had serious mental problems without examining the patient. They claimed he was a mentally ill person and would be a danger to our country if elected — even his blood-related niece, who happens to be a psychologist, claimed he has had, and still has, mental problems.
And when will it be realized that he is a fraud: Over 5,000 Americans sued him for 40 million dollars for defrauding them. He proved he was guilty by settling the lawsuit for 25 million dollars after he was elected. Would an honest man pay 25 million dollars if he wasn’t guilty?
Former President Trump presently is facing civil and criminal lawsuits from various states about:
*causing the deaths of thousands of Americans by hiding the deadliness of the coronavirus;
*causing the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and his fighting words;
*about tax fraud by hiding his tax returns of business transactions with Deutsch Bank — the only bank that would do business with him; and
*trying to overturn the election results of Georgia.
These are only some of the dozens of lawsuits that citizen Donald Trump is now facing. I believe the only plausible defense his lawyers will have will be his mental health.
Around six years ago I predicted Donald Trump had “no chance in the world of becoming president.” I believe I will be right this time!
Paul F. Adinolfi
189 Julia Court, Sandy Hook June 11, 2021