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The Virus Pandemic Is Not Over



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To the Editor:

President Biden and the Centers for Disease Control are letting America know if we have been vaccinated we do not have to wear a mask when in public. This does not mean the pandemic is over. The majority of our nation is still not vaccinated, and millions will still not be for various reasons, either for political, religious, or personal reasons. The virus pandemic is far from over — millions in the world are still getting sick and hundreds of thousands are dying.

Contrary to what President Biden is saying — America will still be wearing masks on July 4th.

The only way we can ever stop, or slow down, this pandemic quickly is:

*If it is required everyone in this nation, for two or three weeks, who deal with the public, to wear a mask.

*Everyone who is entering this country, including citizens, should be quarantined for two weeks and tested before they can visit or return to their home state.

*We should increase our testing of those who must deal with the public.

*And finally, we should assist every country in the world, especially the poor ones, to get the vaccinations.

If we don’t, or if we can’t, take these steps as soon as possible, there is a good chance we will be wearing masks until next summer.

I also predicted Donald Trump had no chance of ever becoming president. I hope I am wrong again!

Paul Adinolfi

189 Julia Court, Sandy Hook May 21, 2021

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