Fire Reports | April 14-21, 2021
The dispatchers at the Newtown Emergency Communications Center at 191 South Main Street, report the following fire calls and the responders:
Wednesday, April 14: 5:12 pm, service call, Main Street/Church Hill Road, Hook & Ladder covered.
Thursday, April 15: 6:00 pm, fire alarm–residential, Robin Hill Road, Dodgingtown responded; 6:42 pm, motor vehicle accident (MVA) with injury, I-84 West between Exits 11-10, Sandy Hook responded.
Saturday, April 17: 10:11 pm, smoke/odor investigation, Arthurs Court, Dodgingtown responded.
Sunday, April 18: 9:54 am, medical assist, Elana Lane, Sandy Hook responded; 10:15 am, service call, Buttonball Drive, Sandy Hook covered; 5:46 pm, fire alarm–residential, Old Town Road, Botsford responded; 7:49 pm, structure fire–residential, Sunset Hill Road, Hook & Ladder, Sandy Hook, Hawleyville, and Botsford responded.
Monday, April 19: 11:10 am, medical assist, Jennifer Lane, Sandy Hook responded; 4:57 pm, MVA with injury, I-84 East between Exits 9-10, Hawleyville responded; 7:05 pm, outside fire, Butterfield Road, Hawleyville responded.
Tuesday, April 20: 8:53 am, fire alarm–residential, Great Hill Road, Hawleyville and Dodgingtown responded; 6:36 pm, outside fire, Hanover Road/Echo Valley Road, Hook & Ladder responded.
Wednesday, April 21: 3:11 pm, MVA with injury, Sugar Street/Elm Drive, Hook & Ladder responded; 3:28 pm, structure fire–residential, Bradley Lane, Sandy Hook, Hook & Ladder, Botsford, Dodgingtown, and Hawleyville responded.