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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Wake Up The Birds And The Bees And The Flowers And The Trees



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The Newtown Fruit Trail Reawakening gardening sessions take place Saturday and Sunday, March 27 and 28, from 10 am to 5 pm.

Newtown Parks & Recreation, along with Andrew Mangold, will host a two-day workshop to wake up the Newtown Fruit Trail at Fairfield Hills after its long winter sleep. Volunteers are invited to come for one hour, one day, or all weekend. There is a role for everyone.

The release reads, “Join us in community at the Fruit Trail to get our hands dirty and our hearts alight for all the growing to come. We’ll tidy up the gardens, assess the health of our plants, and evaluate tasks for the year ahead. We’ll be removing winter tree cages, planting new bulbs, shrubs, and flowers, and learning about each of the different species assembled at the trail. This is a great opportunity to gather insight for your own projects, to remain involved at the trail, and get a jump start on your gardens at home. Participants will get hands-on practice preparing gardens and tending to perennial plants to jump-start your own projects and help in all of your yards and gardens to come.

“We’ll continue to make a home for butterflies, bees, and birds at the trail, growing plants that feed the land and the people as one. This is a chance to get your first taste of spring gardening, together in community. Join us as we celebrate fruits, flowers, trees, and the joy of good work.

“Last year, the trail surprised us with a glow of lavender that brightened the length of the trail. This year, we can expect another new spectrum of color as our perennial plants grow into maturity. We can look forward to more public berries this summer, and we may get to begin counting the number of bird, bee, and butterfly species that are making a home at the trail.”

Bring masks, gloves, and any gardening tools you want to use or share.

For more information call Parks & Recreation at 203-270-4340.

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