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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Gem Of A Senior Center



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To the Editor:

What a gem you have in the Newtown Senior Center.

A simple phone call from my dad was all it took for him and my mom to get an appointment for the COVID vaccine. After hours on the computer and numerous futile phone calls, Dad hit gold.

The Senior Center said they would call him about vaccine availability, and that is exactly what they did. Mom and Dad received their COVID vaccinations within a week.

The peace of mind for me and my sister living hours away in Pennsylvania is priceless.

Thank you, Newtown Senior Center, for making a meaningful difference and caring about the seniors in your community. Thank you for your good work.


Christine Falvello

31 Lamont Drive, Drums, Penn.

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