FUN Birthday Car Parade Receives Supportive Turnout
Families United in Newtown (FUN) celebrated birthdays taking place throughout the month of January with a car parade at the Newtown United Methodist Church (NUMC) on Sunday, January 17.
Birthday honorees included Joe Eckler, Duane Jones, Monica Gorman, Leah Crebbin, Christopher Simon, Dawn Lipke, Elena Sughrue, Nicholaus Yanke, Anita Lucsky, Chris Samson, Kristen Lynch, Grayson Lynch, Aiden Capozza, and Elsie Barricelli.
FUN Founder Linda Jones said, “The birthday list includes Newtown High School student mentors, FUN kids, FUN parents, and FUN adult volunteers.”
Cars began lining up in the parking lot of NUMC around 2 pm in preparation for the launch of the parade at 2:15 pm. There was such an outpouring of support that cars started to get backed up on Church Hill Road before looping in the parking lot to continue the line.
Dozens of community members came out to support FUN, including First Selectman Dan Rosenthal.
Volunteers for the event wore face masks and party hats while singing “Happy Birthday” to the people in the cars as they drove around the back of NUMC. There was also music playing and festive decorations set up to celebrate.
After each car was safely parked, the people inside were offered a slice of sheet cake and bottled water through their car window.
Those driving in the parade were encouraged to decorate their vehicles. They were also invited to drop off their donations for the “Valentines for the Troops” program that FUN is participating in to thank deployed members of the military for their service.
According to Families United in Newtown’s website, its mission is to provide “individuals with special needs, and their families, social opportunities in a caring environment through monthly themed meetings.” For more information about FUN, visit