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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Eversource Planning Structure Replacement Project Along Sandy Hook-Monroe Line



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As part of its effort to deliver reliable energy to customers and communities, Eversource has announced a line structure replacement and optical ground wire (OPGW) project for a section of Sandy Hook.

Maintaining infrastructure is one of the ways the utility supports the safe and secure transmission of electricity through the region, according to a press release.

The project, called the 1232 Line Structure Replacement & OPGW Project, includes replacing aged and damaged wood transmission structures with new steel structures. Contractors will also install new communication and grounding wire on top of existing transmission structures.

The new communication wire will improve electric reliability by enabling communication between Eversource’s substations, according to the utility.

All work for the project will take place within the existing right of way, or power line corridor, between Eversource’s Sandy Hook substation, located east of Farmery Road and west of Grace Moore Road, and Eversource’s Stevenson substation, located at the Stevenson Dam in Monroe.

The project will occur in phases. It is scheduled to begin with civil construction in November and December. Structure replacements will begin in January, with the installation of OPGW scheduled for January and February.

The project completion and restoration is scheduled for spring 2021.

The schedule is subject to change.

For additional information about this project, contact projectinfo@eversource.com or 800-793-2202.

Work is scheduled to begin next month along a stretch of Eversource property in Sandy Hook and northern Monroe, in an effort to deliver reliable energy to customers and communities.
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