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Asking Again For Your Vote



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To the Editor:

An open letter to my friends & neighbors.

Being your State Rep for eight years has been the highlight of my life. Never could I imagine having such an honor or the opportunities to serve so many wonderful people. But [not] in my wildest dreams did I think I’d end up in politics. Few know how I did; I’d like to share the story.

Much of my bipartisan nature is rooted in a 27-year marketing career. Marketing people succeed by bringing divergent forces in a business together to a unified pursuit of solutions to consumer needs and wants. We call it “customer focus.” Walk into any Stew Leonard’s and you see a stone monument stating “The Customer is Always Right.” I love that rock. Stew gets it.

Our state has spent the 21st century losing manufacturing jobs. In 2011, I lost mine to a corporate relocation. Marketing careers with manufacturers were in short supply during the “Great Recession.” Our choices included relocation or reinvention. With two children in Newtown schools and a love for our hometown, we chose reinvention.

Our family loves Newtown but we worry about the future of Connecticut. I have a plan to make state government “user friendly” and less intrusive. It will not cause a single layoff and will reduce our taxes.

High taxes, excessive government regulation, and poor “customer service” hurt all of us. IMO, as taxpayers, we’re the ultimate “customers” of “government.” CT’s “Big Government” is focused on itself and “special interests.” The “public-sector” takes from us, doesn’t give back, and we don’t get what our tax dollars pay for. We can fix this by ending one-party rule.

Through good times and bad, you’ve been my driving force and highest priority.

Tuesday, November 3rd, or absentee ballot, I ask again for your vote.

Thank you for your consideration.

State Representative Mitch Bolinsky

Wiley Lane, Newtown October 28, 2020

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