You Are Not Alone
To the Editor:
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Town of Newtown’s suicide prevention initiative. A few months ago, First Selectman Dan Rosenthal, Dr Lorrie Rodrigue, Selectman Maureen Crick Owen, Anna Wiedemann (Chair of Commission on Aging), and other town department heads met to start work on this program for our residents. We announced this initiative in September, which is Suicide Prevention month. This is a topic that should be talked about all year long — not just in September. And it is just as important now given the times we are living in. We need to support each other.
The town has partnered with American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ( and is presenting “Talk Saves Lives.” Talk Saves Lives is AFSP’s educational program that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to fight suicide. Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs associated with suicide, and how to keep themselves and others safe. Talk Saves Lives will be presented via Zoom on November 5 and 19 at 6:30 pm. Registration is required and each session is limited to 50 attendees. To register, go to the “News” page of the town’s website ( and click on Talk Saves Lives. We hope you will take an hour of your time and join us for this important presentation.
Newtown Cares… you are not alone.
Maureen Crick Owen
Selectman, Town of Newtown
7 Glover Avenue, Newtown
Anna Wiedemann
Chair, Commission on Aging
13 Clearview Drive, Sandy Hook October 28, 2020