A Critical Election
To the Editor:
2020 is a critical election due to political party polarization. Voters should consider the integrity of our system and those who serve with in it, rather than just parties and ideologies. I’m voting for those who I believe will represent everyone regardless of political affiliation, who will selflessly serve rather than advance personal interests, and who will bring us together rather than tear us apart. For all these reasons, I am voting for Mitch Bolinsky. I am a registered Democrat crossing party lines because I believe it is necessary to put aside my own ideological beliefs and do what’s best for the greater good — in this case, voting for Mitch.
Mitch always goes above and beyond for this community and state, e.g., advancing the rights of the developmentally disabled who are sometimes incapable of advancing their own rights, and ensuring Newtown citizens are taken care of during the pandemic. Recently, Mitch fought to ensure that many people received their unemployment benefits, regardless of whether those people lived within his voting district. He did this because it was the right thing to do, not to get more votes, or because it was his job, which it was not for those outside the district. My family is high risk for COVID and consequently locked down. We fell prey to the toilet paper shortage. When Mitch found out, he brought us some of the little he had. I highlight all of this to illustrate what matters are intentions and actions, and Mitch has proven time and again through his legislative record and his actions that he will serve us all selflessly and go beyond the call of duty. I encourage all of you to vote for Mitch Bolinsky!
Stacey Daves-Ohlin
13 Russett Road, Sandy Hook October 21, 2020