May Society Heal Itself
To the Editor:
I was shocked and saddened to hear about the vile, cruel statements “Zoom-bombers” directed toward Jahana Hayes during her Zoom meeting with Newtown residents on Monday — in part because I was amazed that any Newtowners could say something so despicable, but also because of the deep pain their actions caused Representative Hayes (as expressed in her letter to supporters on Tuesday and published on
Recent developments in town, such as efforts by the group Newtown Allies for Change, work in the schools to address racism, and the forum hosted by The Newtown Bee, came not a moment too soon. Clearly this is just the beginning of much work ahead for our community. I hope that the schools will also take a hard look at curricula for all grades to reveal how deep-seated racism is in our society, and to teach children necessary tools for honoring racial, ethnic, religious, and political differences with respect. I also hope that we can have more community conversations about this difficult subject and can begin to carve a better path forward.
My heart goes out to Representative Hayes and all people who have suffered racist treatment. May our society find a way to heal itself!
Sarah W. Middeleer
South Main Street, Newtown October 14, 2020