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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

#TellTheNewtownBee On Twitter: Will You Vote By Absentee Ballot Or In Person At The Polls In August?



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The Newtown Bee is seeking reader input through Twitter. Periodically, we will post a question to our Twitter account (@TheNewtownBee) with #TellTheNewtownBee included in the tweet. Some responses will be featured in a later print edition of the paper.

The current #TellTheNewtownBee question is, “Will you vote by absentee ballot or in person at the polls in August?” Join the conversation on Twitter.

To participate, sign in to Twitter and reply to the original #TellTheNewtownBee tweets or respond with #TellTheNewtownBee in your tweet. Then check the weekly print edition to see the community’s responses.

Comments are open. Be civil.

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