A Delicious Surprise
To the Editor:
It was Wednesday, June 17, when the phone rang and the Senior Center, in a robo message, advised that on Friday there would be available to 30 seniors, a lunch. Pick-up time would be noon. There have been previous opportunities, but nothing like this.
This was different! There were two bags — one contained the hot meal of roast chicken breast, veggies, and potatoes. And there were five asparagus stalks, a salad, and a huge brownie. Several other sweets, and a wrapped paperback novel along with a crossword puzzle book were in the second bag.
The Senior Center was the core for this generous offering, which was provided by Maplewood at Newtown and the United Methodist Church in Sandy Hook. A lot of time, energy, and expense want into the preparation and delivery of these lunches. They were fantastic! Thank you all for your caring.
Best regards,
Charles Leety
58 Elizabeth Circle, Sandy Hook June 23, 2020