What's In The Works?
At The Newtown Bee, we are working on articles every week for our readers’ education and enjoyment, and subscribers get the first — and sometimes exclusive — look at stories in print.
What you do not want to miss in the edition of June 12, 2020, is the Newtown High School Class of 2020 photo supplement and congratulatory messages, a print exclusive. We also have in the works this week June 7 protest coverage; celebrations at the recent Board of Education meeting; a Newtown Police detective retires; part two of “Surviving The Virus”; preview of a Zoom to Facebook event on police oversight; not to mention all of the regular offerings, photo packages, and other features. Looking ahead, The Newtown Bee is excited to be covering the car parades at each of the elementary schools that began last week and stretch through the end of this week. You will find that story in the June 19 edition of the paper.
There are plenty of stories and breaking news posted to newtownbee.com, but you’ll find full coverage in our print edition. For complete news about Newtown, join our subscribers in being in the know (https://classadz.vdata.com/Legacy/NewtownBee/Circulation/Subscriber/).