Fire Reports | May 21-26, 2020
The dispatchers at the Newtown Emergency Communications Center at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, report the following fire calls and the responders:
Thursday, May 21: 12:50 pm, public service, Johnny Appleseed Drive, Sandy Hook covered; 2:54 pm, public service, Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook covered; 3:07 pm, public service, Nighthawk Lane, Sandy Hook covered; 3:45 pm, public service, Grand Place, Sandy Hook covered; 4:23 pm, motor vehicle accident (MVA) with injury, Mt Pleasant Road near Blackman Road, Hook & Ladder responded;
Friday, May 22: 1:26 pm, public service, Meadow Woods Lane, Sandy Hook covered; 4:16 pm, brush fire, I-84 West Exit 9 offramp and Hawleyville Road area, Hawleyville, Hook & Ladder and Sandy Hook responded; 8:07 pm, structure fire, Melody Lane, Botsford, Hawleyville, Sandy Hook and Hook & Ladder responded; 9:28 pm, odor of burning outside, area of Arrowhead Lane and Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook responded;
Saturday, May 23: 7:50 am, public service (flag detail), Main Street flagpole, Hook & Ladder covered; 5:54 pm, public service, 3 Fir Tree Lane, Sandy Hook covered;
Sunday, May 24: 11:25 am, public service, Charlies Circle, Sandy Hook covered; 12:01 pm, water rescue, 28 Riverside Road, NUSAR responded; 4:28 pm, MVA with injury, New Lebbon Road near High Rock Road, Botsford responded; 4:35 pm, residential fire alarm, Tamarack Road, Hook & Ladder responded;
Monday, May 25: 11:53 am, public service, Cherry Street, Sandy Hook covered; 7:03 pm, public service (flag detail), Main Street flagpole, Hook & Ladder covered;
Tuesday, May 26: 6:41 am, car fire, I-84 West between Exits 10-9, Sandy Hook and Hook & Ladder responded; 7:54 am, MVA with injury, I-84 West Exit 11 offramp, Sandy Hook responded; 11:38 am, medical assist, Nunnawauk Road, Hook & ladder responded; 5:51 pm, wires down, Riverside Road near Cherry Street, Sandy Hook responded.