Resiliency Center Events Announced
The Resiliency Center of Newtown has announced three special events, open to the public, in upcoming weeks. All events will take place at the center, located at 153 South Main Street (parking and entrance is from the lower level parking lot).
The Resiliency Center of Newtown is a non-profit that provides free and confidential services, programs and events to assist in the healing process for anyone in the greater Newtown community impacted by the events of 12/14.
*Saturday, December 7, Community Creations — “Chocolate, Art & Music.” The three-tier event will have offerings as follows:
Chocolate — from 9:30 until 11:30 am adults can come learn and make homemade chocolate with Diane Buchanan;
Art — from 11:30 to 3:30 children and families are invited to create safe spaces using art by Emerald Sketch Art Therapy, work will then be displayed for the public at the State Capital on December 13; and
Music — from noon until 3 pm, music therapist Jen Sokira of CT Music Therapy Services will do melody making.
*Monday, December 9, at 7 pm, Stacia Bjarnasaon, psychologist and author of Pepper's Dragons, will talk about her experience, how to talk with children about trauma, and offer attendees a free copy of her book.
*Saturday, December 14, the center will be open from 9 am to 3 pm, offering a safe place for people to gather and be together. Services provided will be peer support, arts and crafts for children, reflexology, reiki, and herbal remedies.
For further information visit or contact Stephanie Cinque at 203-364-9750 or