DTC-Endorsed Candidates Will Serve Newtown Well
To the Editor:
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to run for local office; their advocates who have written endorsements and gotten the word out about various candidates; the people of Newtown who have taken the time to come to forums, read the paper, and learn about the individuals running for office. Your vote is your voice — thank you!
Being a member of the Legislative Council for the past two terms, I have had the pleasure of working with many of the candidates being endorsed by the Democratic Town Committee. On the council, that includes Jordana Bloom, a tireless advocate for students and a consistent voice of reason on the council, and Chris Eide, who always demonstrates an unequaled understanding of process and procedure and who is a true critical thinker — on the Ordinance Committee and elsewhere — often presenting a perspective I would have overlooked were in not for his wise input. Paul Lundquist is invaluable as chairperson and promotes thoughtful and considerate deliberation without favoritism. Dan Honan, a lifelong Newtowner, offers insight and wisdom on all subjects and budget planning in particular. An insurance professional with strong business acumen, Chris Smith has a solid voice on pension- and insurance-related issues and is impressive in his ability to respond and react to new data — never being reluctant to reconsider a position when new information is presented.
On the Board of Education, I cannot speak more highly in favor of John Vouros and Rebekah Harriman-Stites. Both are selfless in the time they contribute to their board duties. They are vigilant in their efforts to best serve Newtown’s children through thoughtful budgeting and planning.
These, and all the DTC endorsed candidates, would serve our town well. Please join me in voting Row A on November 5th.
Judit DeStefano
12 Horseshoe Ridge Road, Sandy Hook October 30, 2019