First Hand Look At A Candidate
To the Editor:
I am writing in support of my father, Andrew Clure, for Legislative Council District 3. I have had the pleasure of witnessing first hand all the things my father has done for Newtown.
Whether it was getting free movies for Edmond Town Hall or opening a free arcade, my father has never hesitated to give back to the community. In November 2013, he spent countless nights calling friends in the film industry to get a free premiere of Disney’s Frozen before its release in theaters so Newtown residents were some of the first to see it. My father has proven through his many acts of kindness he cares about this community, and he is determined to make Newtown a better place.
In 2013, my father joined the Board of Managers at Edmond Town Hall serving for two years to boost revenue. In 2015, he began a four-year term on the Board of Education. Although this meant I had less time to see him, I knew he was working hard for the students and taxpayers. His service to Newtown extended beyond elected titles. For three years, he helped me produce the movie preview for Edmond Town Hall. Each week, he worked the camera as I did a short video for the theater that played before the movie.
My father’s determination, care, and devotion to Newtown make him an obvious choice for Legislative Council District 3. He is a great father, resident, and friend who is always listening to fellow residents to find out what would make the community thrive. I would be lucky to become someone even remotely like him.
I cast my first vote as a registered voter for Andrew Clure. Hopefully, on November 5th, you will agree and vote for Andrew Clure for Legislative Council District 3.
Tyler Clure
24 Winton Farm Road, Newtown