Eight Impressive Candidates
To the Editor:
I have had the pleasure of working with eight impressive council candidates leading up to this election.
Incumbents Dan Wiedemann (vice-chairman) and Philip Carroll are well-known and garner bipartisan respect across boards. Phil is a warm and friendly person with down-to-earth common sense. Dan a fixture not only at council meetings, but at those of other boards. Both have been advocates for important issues and have years of experience and insights.
District 1 voters have three wonderful candidates in William DeRosa, Cathy Reiss, and Charles Gardner. William has impressed me with his work ethic and dedication, a requisite for a top classical musician, that has served him as a grassroots advocate. He has approached local service with the same energy. You may recognize Cathy Reiss’ name from her thoughtful letters to The Bee, and she will bring those same critical thinking skills to the council. Charles Gardner has served on the Board of Assessment Appeals and understands how many residents struggle with the high tax burden in our community.
With Dan Wiedemann and I in District 2 is David Schill. A professional problem solver, David has spent his career as a leader on large construction projects, managing budgets and complex contracts.
In District 3, father, husband, and small business owner Rance Thompson has brought a fresh perspective to the Parks & Rec Commission and would be an asset on the council. Be it his service to Edmond Town Hall or the Board of Education, Andy Clure’s dedication is beyond reproach.
Each candidate would benefit our council, has earned my respect, and hopefully your support. Please vote Row B on November 5th.
My comments are my own and not on behalf of the Legislative Council of which I am a member.
Thank you,
Ryan Knapp
11 Jeremiah Road, Sandy Hook October 30, 2019