Chaudhary: A Lucky Choice For Newtown
To the Editor:
I am writing this in support of Neil Chaudhary in his run for Newtown Police Commission. Neil is an honest, hard-working, dedicated, Newtown community member who I’m honored to know.
I have volunteered alongside Neil and his family through many years at Middle Gate Elementary. We could always count on Neil to help out with any job or at any volunteer event. We all benefited from his dedication to the school and his kids.
Neil has helped me tremendously by volunteering his time with Ben’s Bells. He has supported the organization in many ways over the last few years, from promoting the mission of intentional kindness to helping us look for our current space when we needed to move. Neil has also committed his time volunteering on our Connecticut advisory committee.
Now I know Neil is smart, logical, and articulate. Other communities and police departments around the country can tell you how they have benefited from Neil’s hard work through his “day job.” But I can tell you that he is dedicated to Newtown. Before he was running for the Police Commission, before he was running for Legislative Council, he was out supporting Newtown. I would see him and his family at every Newtown event, festival, school, and community fundraiser. He celebrates Newtown; he is invested in the community. I believe we would be lucky to have Neil Chaudhary on the Police Commission.
Jennifer Avari
14 Silver Brook Lane, Newtown October 29, 2019