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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Join In Support Of Chaudhary



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To the Editor:

I am writing today to urge you to support Neil Chaudhary in his bid to win a seat on the Police Commission by voting for him on Tuesday, November 5th. I served for five years on the Legislative Council with Neil and found him to be one of the most balanced and thoughtful members I served with. Neil is well-researched, capable, kind, and experienced. He doesn’t buy into the party nonsense that has colored so much of our local and national politics in recent years. As one of the nation’s leading traffic safety experts, Neil will work with commission members to address the myriad of traffic concerns that we face as a growing, vibrant community. He is a member of numerous traffic safety committees here in Connecticut and is a member of the National Academy of Science and Engineers. He has worked on distracted driving issues at a local and national level and takes the safety of our teens as a personal concern. Neil serves locally on the Emergency Response team and the Newtown Public Safety Committee.

In running for the Police Commission, Neil brings all of that talent, plus his professional experience as the CEO of the Preusser Research Group, in the public safety business to Newtown. His unique perspective is something we need and will bring valuable insight to the commission. He’s lived here in Newtown for 15 years and during that time has always found the time to serve his community. It’s not often people with such a relevant history and talent raise their hands to serve. Please join me in voting for Neil on November 5th.

Mary Ann Jacob

65 Mohawk Trail, Sandy Hook October 29, 2019

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