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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Bringing A New Perspective To LC



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To the Editor:

I am proud to endorse Jordana Bloom for Legislative Council in District 2.

Jordana has served one term on the council, and she has been a dedicated and confident advocate for her constituents. She is also still a relative newcomer and brings that new perspective to the council.

Jordana’s priorities are to enhance Newtown through strong education for all ages and to encourage further community-wide engagement throughout the town’s government.

More importantly, I know Jordana to be intelligent, hard-working, and passionate about issues she believes in. We have been married for 30 years, and through that time, she’s been an excellent wife, mother, small business owner, volunteer, local employee, and council representative.

She will work hard to make Newtown the best town it can be. I encourage you to vote on November 5 and reelect Jordana Bloom.

John Fletcher

34 Main Street, Newtown October 28, 2019

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