Committed To Taxpayers
To the Editor:
I would like to ask for your vote for me, Phil Carroll, for the Legislative Council once again. Thank you for your support in the past elections.
We on the Council have accomplished much over the years and are committed to keeping Newtown taxpayers in the forefront of our decisions. I would also ask that you vote for the full slate of Republicans running for office. We as a town are lucky to have so many candidates willing to give so much of their time and expertise for our town. We have to be careful with our budgets again, as we have no idea what the governor and the folks in Hartford are going to do. Will they put state obligations onto the towns and cities like they tried to do in the past? It is the unknown decisions like this from Hartford that makes it difficult for the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Education to properly formulate a budget.
Thank you again.
Philip Carroll
1 Fieldstone Drive, Newtown October 25, 2019