Basketball Officiating Course For High School Students
In conjunction with the International Association of Approved Basketball Officials, Inc (IAABO), the South-West Conference is conducting a basketball officiating course at the gymnasium at Masuk High in Monroe at the end of October and in early and mid-November. IAABO members will teach the National Federation of State High School rules, mechanics, and methods of basketball officiating used in local youth and high school basketball games.
Any high school student who attends a South-West Conference member school may attend these training sessions, free of charge. Students who attend other high schools in Fairfield County serviced by IAABO #9 may also attend. Basketball officiating is a great avocation and part-time job for students looking to have fun, stay fit, and earn money at the same time.
Sessions will be held Monday, October 28; Thursday, November 7; and Tuesday, November 12. Tuesday, November 19, is a makeup date if necessary.
Classroom sessions are 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
There will be three floor mechanics training sessions on the court and a short period of time spent in the classroom. The course will also include attendance with a course mentor at a local high school or college game where students will meet and observe officials working a game.
Instructors are from the Fairfield County IAABO. The South-West Conference is sponsoring the class in conjunction with IAABO, the largest amateur basketball education and training officiating association in the world.
Registration forms are available here.
Return the completed and signed registration form directly to the high school athletic director as soon as possible, or e-mail form directly to SWC Commissioner Dave Johnson.
For additional information, contact Dave Johnson via e-mail at or phone at 203-906-4831. Forms are also available at SWC school athletic offices.