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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Fortunate Opportunity For Newtown



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To the Editor:

I am writing in support of Democrat Chris Gardner’s candidacy for Newtown’s Board of Finance. I met Chris about 13 years ago; he was my son’s first soccer coach. Our sons attended Hawley School together, and over the years, I would regularly see Chris at play dates, school functions, Cub Scout meetings, sporting events, and the occasional trip to Disney World. I remember when I stepped down as our sons’ Cub Scout den leader, Chris was quick to assume the leadership role, one which he fulfilled with excellence. Chris would become more involved in serving the community, service which included five years on the board of Newtown Youth and Family Services (three as chair) and six on the Borough Board of Burgesses. His public work has been distinguished by kindness, decency, intelligence, and integrity beyond reproach. Any town would be lucky to have Chris Gardner on their Board of Finance. How fortunate for Newtown to have this opportunity.

Martin Blanco

8 Pheasant Ridge Road, Newtown October 23, 2019

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