Watercolor Program At Next SCAN Meeting
Watercolor Program At Next SCAN Meeting
The Society of Creative Arts of Newtown, Inc, will have the award-winning watercolorist Peter Spataro of Hanover, Mass., as its guest speaker on Wednesday, October 13, at 7:30 pm. Mr Sparato will be painting a landscape in watercolor.
The demonstration, which is open to the public free of charge, will be held at Newtown Meeting House, 31 Main Street in Newtown (at the flagpole).
Peter Spataro is a member of the New England Watercolor Society, Allied Artists of America, the Rockport Art Association, North Shore Art Association and Hudson Valley Art Association.
He has studied with many nationally known artists but attributes his extensive study with Edgar Whitney as the single most influential factor in his decision to become a serious artist.
Mr Spataroâs work has been exhibited in many national shows including the American Watercolor Society Annual Show. He has won two Grumbacher Gold Medals from the North Shore Art Association. In 1998 he won first place at the Palm Beach Watercolor Society.
His work has appeared in issues of Better Homes and Gardens and American Artist Magazine.