No Dilemma On Main Street
To the Editor:
I challenge the Ryders claim that a dilemma exists for the Inn property at 19 Main Street [“A Dilemma On Main Street,” Letter Hive, The Newtown Bee, October 11, 2019] — any dilemma has been caused by the Ryders. They insisted on trying to sell the property for much more than the market thought it was worth. When the Ryders didn’t get their exorbitant price, they ran the structure down, creating a dilapidated blight. The Ryders are claiming hardship and want to be treated fair, yet they created their own hardship.
Now, to get the exorbitant price they seek a zone change for 40 apartments, 60,000-square-feet, three complexes each two and one-half times the size of the house next door. They in essence want the town to bail them out, while they live in their six million dollar home far from Newtown.
This is not a welfare case; the owners are part of the top one percent. This is greed. They do not seem to have any concern for Newtown after we supported their Inn at Newtown for 17 years. The plan will forever destroy the soul, the pride, and the joy of our Main Street.
I’m incensed that they threaten to build even more apartments if they can’t bully the Borough Zoning Commission and the Historic District into submissive approval. When I hear “well maybe the next proposal could be worse,” I cringe. Is that how we got the hideous Boulevard assisted living units?
If Borough Zoning approves this project, it will send the message that if an ultra-wealthy, top on percent owner wants to juice up their property value, just allow it to go to blight, then request a zoning change. There is a simple solution… The Ryders should do the right thing, respect Newtown and those who supported them for all these years, and sell the property for its market value.
Bruce Walczak
12 Glover Avenue, Newtown October 16, 2019