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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Give Our Schools Our Best



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To the Editor:

My husband and I recently bought our home in Newtown. We love Newtown for its historical charm, welcoming community, and reputation for good schools. We want to see continued cost effective advancement of our school system and for that reason, I strongly endorse Dennis Brestovansky for Board of Education.

The many benefits of Newtown come at a cost. Our taxes are high, but we place our trust in elected officials to ensure that our hard-earned dollars are being spent responsibly and to greatest effect. Education is a top priority for us, and we’re pleased that the town continues to prioritize investment in our school system. My two young daughters will begin to attend Newtown schools in a just few years. We are already thinking about how we’ll save for their college educations, so every dollar counts.

Dennis Brestovansky is the only candidate with deep strategic, operational, and budget management experience. He’s also been a teacher and knows the challenges teachers face as they strive to give our children an excellent education. Dennis will evaluate budget and expense options to get the most benefit from them. He has the expertise and courage to make any necessary adjustments and tough decisions to ensure success for Newtown schools and students in the long term. Dennis is committed to helping ensure that our schools are all they can be when my girls begin school.

Please join me in voting for Dennis on November 5th. Let’s ensure that our Board of Education is getting maximum value from our tax dollars for the good of our schools for many years to come.

Meghann Buck

52 Queen Street, Newtown October 15, 2019

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