Seeking Another Board Of Finance Term
To the Editor:
I am formally announcing my candidacy for another term on the Board of Finance. I have served on the board for nearly four years, and during that time, I have listened to and learned from constituents. As a member of the board, my primary focus has always been to function as a good steward of taxpayer money. With many differing opinions and competing viewpoints, that has not always been an easy task; however, no opinion or viewpoint has ever been lost on me. If elected to serve for another term, I will continue to focus on responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars, especially in the increasingly challenging economic climate. I ask for voters’ trust and confidence again this year in November, and I am happy to meet or speak with anyone if it would be helpful to them in their decision. I may always be reached via email at
Thank you.
Sandy Roussas
38 Maltbie Road, Newtown October 2, 2019