To the Editor:
To the Editor:
Sara Frampton would be a wonderful member of the Board of Education for Newtown. She knows the ins and outs of education as well as what is important for the children and the educational process.
I became acquainted with Sara Frampton because she is a second grade teacher at St Mary School in Milford. Two of my children, Bobby and Patrick, attend school at St Maryâs. My son Bobby had Sara as his second grade teacher last year.
What impressed me most about Sara was her attention to the âwholeâ student. My son becomes easily stressed when entering into a new situation. Several times during the year, Sara would go out of her way to try and alleviate the stress he was feeling. Just for example, she stayed after school for a program he was involved in to make him feel at ease.
I, too, am an educator. I can appreciate the caring and sensitivity she showed for all of her students.
Elisa Crotta Rice
449 Evergreen Avenue, Hamden                           October 22, 2007