Police Hold Found Items
Police Hold Found Items
Police are holding a variety of found items, which have been turned over to them by their finders, for safekeeping and return to their owners.
Sergeant Darlene Froehlich, who supervises the return of found property for police, has provided a list of the items now in the police departmentâs found-items inventory.
The list is in reverse chronological order, starting with the items that were found most recently. Listed are: the item found, when it was turned over to police, and where it was located.
Most recently found was: a blue purse containing money on April 5 at Newtown Convenience Store on Church Hill Road; a black, cordless Radio Shack cordless telephone on March 11 at Fairfield Hills; a black, leather Tommy Hilfiger wallet on January 17 at Newtown High School; a Ford automotive key on January 3 on Hall Lane; a folded American flag enclosed within a red bag on January 2 on Beckett Village Road, and an inflatable snowman lawn ornament on December 29 at an undisclosed location.
Also in the found items inventory: a set of keys on December 19 at the post office on Commerce Road; a toy car on December 5 in front of Brooks Pharmacy on Queen Street; a red overcoat for a toddler last November near 159 Currituck Road; tennis rackets and tennis balls on November 9 on Philo Curtis Road near Treadwell Park; and a Magna-brand 18-speed bicycle on November 6 on Queen Street, and a loose gem-quality diamond found in February 2003 in front of the Big Y supermarket on Queen Street. The diamond apparently had fallen from a jewelry setting.
People who believe that the items are theirs may contact Sgt Froehlich at the police station at 426-5841, 3 Main Street. After a waiting period, police dispose of unclaimed items.