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Senior services for Newtown seniors are available at the Multi-Purpose Building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. The Senior Center is under the auspices of The Commission on Aging. The center is run by the Senior Services Director, Marilyn Place. For



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Senior services for Newtown seniors are available at the Multi-Purpose Building on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. The Senior Center is under the auspices of The Commission on Aging. The center is run by the Senior Services Director, Marilyn Place. For more information about programs offered at the Senior Center call 270-4310.

You may drop in at the Senior Center on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook weekdays between 10 am and 4 pm. A hot meal is served at noon for which you must reserve three days in advance.

Newtown has daily door-to-door mini-bus service Monday through Friday. Buses also run all day from the senior center to Sand Hill Plaza. On Fridays, the bus alternates between rides to Danbury Fair Mall and Berkshire Plaza in Danbury (to the new Wal*Mart store on Route 6). Cost is 65¢ each way for the Sand Hill Plaza trip, 75¢ each way for out of town. Call 748-2511 TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE to book a ride and get the out-of-town Friday schedule.

News For Week of

 January 31-February 4

*The senior center is in need of DONATIONS OF YARN AND MATERIALS for crafts. All donations would be greatly appreciated.

*AARP INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE returns February 7 to April 11. Representatives will be visiting the senior center Monday mornings from 9 am until noon.

Please call the senior center for an appointment, and plan to bring in last year’s income tax return and any other pertinent information.

*Our next POT LUCK DINNER will be Tuesday, February 8, from 4 to 6 pm. The date has been incorrect in recent issues of The Bee; apologies to anyone who may be confused. Please double-check your calendar to make sure you’ll be coming out to dinner on the correct night. Join us for a wonderful evening of delicious entrees and the chance to make new acquaintances.

*“Let Me Call You Sweetheart:” Join us on Wednesday, February 9, for VALENTINE’S BINGO.

*The senior center will be CLOSED on Monday, FEBRUARY 21, in observance of Presidents’ Day.

*Newtown Senior Center will host CHOLESTEROL SCREENINGS on Thursday, February 24, from 9 am to noon. This will be open to all Newtown residents – there is no age limit. The screenings are being sponsored by the VNA of Newtown.

Call 270-4310 to register and for additional details including information on pre-screening fasting.

This Week’s Programs

*A TRIAD SALT COUNCIL MEETING is scheduled for Thursday, February 3, beginning at 3:15. Please let us know if you are planning to attend.


REMINDERS: The next AARP 55 ALIVE DRIVING COURSE will be offered Monday and Tuesday, April 11-12. The class will run from 9 am to 1 pm each day. Please call for fee information and registration.

*ART CLASSES are Monday afternoons at 1.

*Join Mary Ann Imhoff each Tuesday at 1 pm for FLORAL ARRANGING SESSIONS. Call the senior center for details or to sign up.

*Join Ann McGrath for a CRAFT CLASS on the first Tuesday of each month. There are different themes each month. The next workshop will be February 8.

*WEEKLY CRAFT CLASSES also continue to meet each Tuesday at 1 pm.

*Join us at BROOKFIELD LANES each Tuesday and Thursday for a great time bowling. We meet at noon; the cost is $1.25 per game.

*CHORUS GROUP meets each Thursday at 1. Pianists are also invited.

*Lynn Flanders has begun teaching COUNTRY-WESTERN LINE DANCING on Thursday afternoons beginning at 1:30. Cost for each class is $1. Lynn has a unique style and she’s full of energy – come join the fun!

*MAH JONGG players have two opportunities on Fridays. The advanced group plays at 9 am, and a beginner’s group plays at 1.

*QUILTING CLASS meets on Fridays at 10 am.

*ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Applications for oil-heated households are now being taken. Income guidelines include $18,620 for singles, and $24,980 for couples. There are also asset limits.

Necessary documentation includes income from Social Security, pension, wages, interest, etc. This information must be current within 30 days.

Assistance continues through March 31. Applications for Yankee Gas and CL&P are also being taken.

Contact Municipal Agent Ann Piccini at 270-4330 for more information.

*ANN PICCINI VISITS the senior center on Thursday mornings from 10 until noon to help with Conn Pace, medical information and Title 19 issues you may be having. Call ahead or just stop in to talk with someone who can help you figure you way through these sometimes confusing subjects.

If you can’t catch up with Ann during one of her visits at the senior center, try reaching her at her office at 3 Main Street (below the police department). Call her there at 270-4330.

*Newtown’s seniors are invited to spend Valentine’s Day in New Jersey. Join us on Monday, February 14, when Ace in The Hole Productions will present My Funny Valentine at The Brownstone.

Cost is $69 per person. Call or stop by the senior center for details or to sign up.

Menu For Week of

January 31-February 4

Reservations must be made one or two days in advance.

Meals are subject to change.

Monday, January 31: BBQ chicken quarter, baked sweet potato, spinach, whole wheat bread, diced pineapple bits;

Tuesday, February 1: Veal parmesan with penne and sauce, Parmesan cheese, Italian bread, broccoli, mandarin oranges;

Wednesday, February 2 (Groundhog Day): Porcupines with gravy, noodles, spinach, oatmeal bread, dirt pudding;

Thursday: Sliced turkey with gravy and stuffing, mixed vegetables, cranberry sauce, biscuit, diet fruited Jell-O with topping;

Friday: Cream of carrot soup, unsalted crackers, buttercrumb fish, rosemary roasted potatoes, green wax beans, dinner roll, fresh fruit.

Also, for planning ahead—

Monday, February 7: Stuffed pepper, mashed potatoes, corn, dinner roll, diet fruited Jell-O with topping;

Tuesday, February 8 (Shrove Tuesday): Oven baked chicken quarter, buttered noodles, broccoli-cauliflower mix, dinner roll, fresh fruit;

Wednesday (Ash Wednesday): Fish almondine, roasted potatoes, French green beans, dinner roll, holiday cake.

Activities Schedule,

January 31-February 4

Monday: AM Bridge, yoga, exercise; PM art class;

Tuesday: AM Pinochle; PM bowling (at Brookfield Lanes), floral arranging;

Wednesday: AM Pinochle, senior fitness tests, exercise; PM Bingo;

Thursday: AM Pinochle, hatha yoga class, Municipal Agent visits; PM bowling (at Brookfield Lanes), TRIAD/Yellow Dot photos taken, line dancing, TRIAD Salt Council meeting;

Friday: AM advanced mah jongg, sewing, quilting; PM beginner’s mah jongg, knitting.

 Remember, you must call at least one day in advance to book a meal or a ride, 270-4310; the Senior Bus, 748-2511.

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