The Future Of Fairfield Hills
The Future Of Fairfield Hills
To the Editor:
What is the future of Fairfield Hills? Are you interested enough to participate in a discussion of this subject? Friends of Fairfield Hills, formerly Save Fairfield Hills for Newtown, is sponsoring an open educational meeting Tuesday, October 2, at 7:30 pm in the large meeting room of the Booth Library. Members of various groups in town have been invited to attend. The general public is also welcome.
Maps and pictures of the Fairfield Hills property will be on display and Ruby Johnson will present a brief history of the efforts of Save Fairfield Hills for Newtown, which culminated in the vote to purchase the property from the state at a recent town meeting. The growing needs of our town, with its increasing population, and how the Fairfield Hills property can be utilized to meet these needs will be discussed. Among the topics for discussion are municipal needs, open space, recreation, education, and commercial uses.
Funds for the eventual development of a master plan for the campus was part of the bond package approved at the town meeting. The mission of the Friends of Fairfield Hills is to provide information to our citizens and to foster cooperation among those interested in the future of Fairfield Hills.
For more information call 426-4120.
Mary Ann Currie
10 Mountain Laurel Lane            September 26, 2001