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SHS Turns The Page To Spring With Reading Campout



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Sandy Hook Elementary School faculty welcomed third and fourth grade students to its Reading Campout on the evening of March 20.

Cynthia McArthur, the school’s Language Arts Consultant, said the event’s theme was “Spring into Reading,” and that it helps encourage families to spend quality time reading together.

The campout took place in the school’s main lobby, where students and their guests gathered around small “campfires” made of decorated cardboard logs and plastic candles.

Some children were dressed in cozy pajamas and brought flashlights, snacks, and blankets.

At the end of the night, everyone joined together in a special read aloud time.

<p>At the Sandy Hook Elementary School Reading Campout, Jennifer Grogan and 8-year-old Asher Grogan found a spot by the windows to read Mr Cooper is Super. Asher said if they had time to read through the whole book, he was looking forward to also reading a book from the Captain Awesome series. (Bee Photos, Silber)</p>
Patti Wasicki read The Twelve Gifts of Birth aloud to Ava Marlin, 8, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School Reading Campout on the evening of March 20.
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