The high school's Drama Club will perform the Neil Simon comedy November 5-7. Directed by NHS senior Bianca Crudo, the coming of age tale follows two teenage boys as they cope with their eccentric extended family in Yonkers, N.Y., during World Wa
The high schoolâs Drama Club will perform the Neil Simon comedy November 5â7. Directed by NHS senior Bianca Crudo, the coming of age tale follows two teenage boys as they cope with their eccentric extended family in Yonkers, N.Y., during World War II.
âI think everyone would want to see the show,â said Bianca on Friday before rehearsal began, âbecause it is a comedy and it is a drama. And they are characters that everybody, young and old, can relate to.â
Bianca is on stage for the productions at NHS, and said being the director for Lost In Yonkers is a new and exciting experience.
âAnd we have a great cast doing everything,â Bianca said, âand it is going to be a really great show. It is not going to be another high school play. It really is going to be more mature.â
The play won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play in 1991 and was adapted into a successful film starring Richard Dreyfuss and Mercedes Ruehl in 1993.
The intimate cast of seven includes senior Hannah DeFlumeri, juniors Matt Madden, Katie McMorran, George Primavera, and Jake Eventoff, sophomore Alexandra Aug, and freshman Josh Goldman.
Performances in the Newtown High School auditorium begin Thursday, November 5, at 7:30 pm, and continue Friday, November 6, at 7:30 pm, and Saturday, November 7, at 2:30 and 7:30 pm. All tickets are $10 and are available at the door.