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What's Going On At Parks And Rec Camp?



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What’s Going On

At Parks And Rec Camp?

To the Editor:

I have my three boys, ages 6, 8, and 10, attending the Parks and Recreation Treadwell Camp. They have gone to the camp before, and it was great. Though I know other parents have voiced concern that they didn’t want their children being watched by other older children, I felt the supervision was at a safe enough level for my children. They always told me what a great time they were having. And I know it was mostly teenagers with younger children, but I also saw some adults supervising the teenagers.

Now this past week I again had them attend the Park and Recreation Camp and again my kids were telling me they were having a great time. On the first day that I picked my kids up, my oldest told me about the Shake and Bake practice. Now he usually doesn’t tell me too much of anything, but this made an impression on him, and he was quick to tell me as soon as he got in the car and yet I didn’t make much of it as he was describing it to me. I guess I had other things on my mind.

At the end of the week I had to pick up my children early and got to see first hand the Shake and Bake practice in action. What I saw was about ten guys go after this one female, grab her, pick her up and take her down to the baseball field, where a mud pit had been constructed, and after shaking, rolling her into the mud, then poured a 20-gallon jug of water on top of her. I was shocked. The female was really angry. The jug had also hit her head, but didn’t cause any serious injury. She walked up the hill, holding back her tears, a total disaster. The head counselor told her she could go take a shower. Meanwhile, these ten guys were only just getting started, they were ready for more, and started saying the names of other female counselors in the camp that should be their next victim. And I mean victim. This is when I tried to offer a word of reason and reality, saying wait a second here, this is not right. Stop what you are doing. The head counselor heard what I was saying, and just to placate me, told them to back off.

The head counselor then introduces himself to me, tells me everything is OK, and that this is a regular practice at the camp and not to worry. Meanwhile, I am worried, and now I am also worried about whom these kids are watching my kids. I see no real “adults,” meaning, I see no one over the age of 20. The 4- and 5-year-old campers are crying because their counselor was “Shake and Baked.” The other female counselors looked quite intimidated by the male counselors and hoping they will not be the next one chosen. I am just in shock and still am.

But as far as I am concerned the story only gets worse. As I hear more and speak to more people about this practice of “Shake and Bake,” I learn that it is something that has been going on at the Newtown Park and Recreation Summer Camp for years and years. But what is going on here? Doesn’t anyone see the problem with this? Ten male counselors taking a female counselor, against her will, while they are suppose to be watching the campers, basically hazing her. The Newtown Park and Recreation is not a sorority. And these hazing practice are now against the law. How can this be going on in my lovely Newtown, Conn.? I just want the citizens of Newtown to be aware of what is happening in their town. Let’s not let these things go on for “years and years” and, please, let’s work together to make Newtown a town we can be proud of.

Thank you,

Maryann Barrett

20 Poverty Hollow Road, Newtown                                 July 26, 2004

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