Local Company Featured In Signature Kitchens & Bath Magazine
Local Company Featured In
Signature Kitchens & Bath Magazine
Signature Kitchens and Bath Magazine will feature Barbara Terkildsen Interiors LLC, a custom kitchen and bath design company located in Newtown, in its fall 2004 issue.
The feature profiles Barbara Terkildsen Interiors LLC and its implementation of a custom kitchen for a New York coupleâs weekend lake home. The profile outlines the products used, special features, and general specifications of the kitchen. Photos illustrate the design talents of the companyâs president, Barbara Terkildsen.
âDesigning a kitchen goes beyond paper and pencil. It needs to work with real people in a real environment.
The profile with color photos also can be seen online at www.btkitchens.com.
Barbara Terkildsen Interiors LLC (www.btkitchens.com) is a custom kitchen and bath design company serving Fairfield County, Westchester, N.Y., New York City, and surrounding areas. The company provides personalized service to homeowners, remodelers, businesses, and architects.