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Indoor Farm Market Planned At Nonnewaug HS



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Indoor Farm Market Planned At Nonnewaug HS

WOODBURY — Nonnewaug High School will host an indoor Master’s Table Farm Market (MTFM) on Saturday, March 1, from 11 am until 2 pm. The high school is at 5 Minortown Road in Woodbury; the farm market program, however, is based in Washington (Conn.).

The markets will be centered at the local senior center sites for 14 weeks, from July 1 to October 1, 2008. The project utilizes the USDA’s recommendations of behavioral economics and social marketing techniques to increase the purchasing and consumption of local fruits and vegetables while creating a senior nutrition program that can be replicated throughout the state of Connecticut.

Connecticut-grown products will be featured at the market. In addition to purchasing fresh food, visitors will be able to watch Connecticut chefs cooking with CT Grown foods. Special guest Colin McEnroe, from WTIC 1080 radio, will also be at the market.

Admission is $2 per person. Proceeds will be used to purchase Senior Farm Market Nutrition Vouchers, which will increase access to local foods regardless of income.

MTFM farmers’ markets are additionally being planned for local senior centers for 14 weeks, running July 1 to October 1.

For additional information about the farm market or Master’s Table Farm Market program, call 860-619-0075. Additional info is also available at MastersTable


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