Date: Fri 28-May-1999
Date: Fri 28-May-1999
Publication: Bee
Author: STEVEB
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Highway Dept. Says It Needs A New Roof
Monday afternoon's downpour had members of the highway department running for
cover as water leaked through the building's roof.
"When we do get heavy rain, we have to stop all welding. Someone could get
electrocuted," noted Public Works Director Fred Hurley.
It has been the same old story down at the garage for more than a year now as
the 23-year-old roof has failed to keep the elements out. The Public Works
Department is now seeking about $150,000 to have it replaced.
"That is the original roof from 1977. Up until now it has held up well. That
roof doesn't owe the town any money," Mr Hurley said.
The Legislative Council is expected to add the proposed roof project to its
capital improvement plan in the hopes that it will be paid for through Local
Capital Improvement Plan (LOCIP) funding -- grant money from the state,
usually made up of sales taxes.
Mr Hurley said his department will seek bids from roofers over the next two or
three weeks, roof construction to take place this summer. The old roof would
be replaced with a single membrane roof, similar to the new roof at Town Hall
The highway department has done some patching of its roof in recent years.