Chamber Annual Meeting At My Place
Chamber Annual Meeting At My Place
The Newtown Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual meeting on Tuesday, January 4, from 8 to 9 am at My Place Restaurant, 8 Queen Street. There is no cost to attend this event.
The meeting agenda will include a discussion and ratification of what past officers and directors have accomplished on behalf of the chamber. Current board members Maureen Birden, Mike Neiman, Carole Georges, Don Sharpe, and Peter Giarratano are expected to be nominated for reelection for another three years on the board of directors.
Jennifer Gattie and Dawn Handwerker are new nominees that have not been on the board before, but have been nominated to serve a one-year term. Any other candidates that attend the meeting that are interested on being on the board are welcome to be nominated from the floor.
The meeting will be led by chamber President Ann Marie Deweese. Along with the ratification of past acts of officers and directors, the chamber will vote on the slate of officers as presented by the nominating committee.
After the ballots have been submitted, the general board meeting will continue. Wes Thompson from the Newtown Economic Development Commission will be the keynote speaker, while My Place Restaurant provides breakfast.
There is no cost to attend this event, which is open to members and anyone interested in joining the Chamber. RSVP to Alice Baye at 203-426-2596.