Charter Communications Falls Flat With Hi-Def
Charter Communications
Falls Flat With Hi-Def
To the Editor:
Once again high-definition flat panel televisions are a hot seller this holiday season. This year, like last year, Newtown residents will again be disappointed when they plug them in and find Charter Communications doesnât provide all six of the national broadcast networks in high-definition.
Unlike our more fortunate neighbors in Bethel and Danbury who receive all six of the national broadcast networks in high-definition from Comcast, Charter only provides four Hi-Def network stations; NBC, CBS, FOX, and PBS. Charter does not offer ABC or The CW in high-definition. Unfortunately, some of the top rated primetime shows are on ABC and The CW.
Charter appears to have no problem adding premium (extra cost) Hi-Def channels based on the recent Hi-Def cable network additions at Charter. Rather than asking subscribers to pay more for Hi-Def content shouldnât Charter think about adding the basic national broadcast network Hi-Def channels into the lower cost âbasic serviceâ tier first?
For those that want to share their views on Charter Communications service, there is a voice to represent Charter customers through the Charter Cable Advisory Council. Information and council member contacts can be found on their website, The purpose of the council is to represent the cable franchise area and give advice to the management of the cable television company upon such matters affecting the public. I think sensible advice is for Charter to step up and include ABC and The CW in high-definition with their basic package.
Corey Whitely
Bennetts Bridge Road, Sandy Hook                    December 16, 2007