Call To Artists And Craftspeople
Call To Artists And Craftspeople
WASHINGTON DEPOT â The Washington Art Association is inviting artists and craftspeople to participate in its 13th Annual Clothesline Art and Crafts Sale.
A wide selection of work will be exhibited, including fine and graphic arts, small sculpture, jewelry, metalwork, knitting and weaving, woodwork, pottery, fused and blown glass, etc. No manufactured or imported crafts or work from kits, or artificial floral crafts will be accepted.
The Clothesline Sale will open Saturday, July 3, at 10 am, and run until 4 pm on Sunday, July 4.
Receiving days for submitting work are Thursday, July 1, and Friday, July 2, from 10 am to 4 pm.
The entry fee for fine art and sculpture is $15 for non-members. Artwork should be ready to hang, and is limited to five pieces per artist. Maximum size for work is 45 by 45 inches including frame.
Thirty percent of the sale price of each item will be retained to benefit the association.
Craft exhibitor spaces are 10 by 10 feet and cost $75 for non-members. Larger spaces, if needed, are available at slightly increased rates.
There will not be a commission on craft sales. Space is limited to approximately 40 exhibitors.
Artists and craftspeople interested in participating in the Clothesline Art and Craft Sale should call WAA at 860-868-2878.