Tag Sale At St Rose
Tag Sale At St Rose
St Rose Church will hold a giant tag sale on Saturday, May 20, from 8 am to 2 pm, in the parish hall.
Donations will be accepted Thursday, May 18, from noon to 4 pm, and Friday, May 19, from 9 am to 5 pm, at the parish hall.
All items must be in good condition. Appliances and electronics must work. No clothing will be sold.
Separately, the St Rose Youth Group is conducting a clothing drive. All kinds of good clean reusable clothing for men, women, and children, including coats, sweaters, shoes, boots, curtains, sheets, towels, quilts, blankets, and bedspreads will be accepted. All clothing will be recycled in the United States and into third world countries by a commercial resale recycler. Fabric cuttings and rags cannot be accepted.
Donated clothing should be brought in plastic bags and placed under the carport to the right of the parish center next to the CCD office. Donations may be brought from now until the collection day, which will be held from 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday, May 27.