NHS Holds Awards Nights For Seniors And Underclassmen
Newtown High School Principal Lorrie Rodrigue welcomed all in attendance on Wednesday, June 3, to the first evening dedicated to honoring and awarding students.
NHS seniors were awarded scholarships and honors during the evening on Wednesday, and NHS underclassmen were honored and awarded scholarships during the evening on Thursday, June 4.
Dr Rodrigue said the Wednesday event was a “very, very special” culmination for the seniors, who were only roughly two weeks away from graduating that evening.
“Tonight’s formal recognition of our students’ hard work, their commitment, and their dedication to learning achievement that really is the focus of our program [tonight],” said Dr Rodrigue. “The seniors being honored this evening have made us proud each and every day.”
The following students earned awards and/or scholarships this school year, as released by NHS .
Senior Awards
Luis Aguirre: Military Recognition
Akash Ahuja: Outstanding Accounting Award, Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, French Book Award
Kathryn Barrett: Yearbook Award
Seth Barrett: Principal's Award
Anna Baxter: Newtown School Nurse Monetary Award, Newtown Visiting Nurse Association Scholar-ship
Aaron Beckett: Business Department Award
Erica Bloomberg: Newtown Visiting Nurse Association Scholarship, Physics Book Award
Hannah Booth: VFW Outstanding Female Athlete Award
Matthew Bouton: Social Studies Department Award
Dayna Briante: Public Health Book Award
Emily Brinkman: Art Department Award
Jacob Burden: Ernest Badillo Memorial Scholarship, Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Emily Campbell: Lt. James Goodrich Scholarship
John Carlson: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, National Merit Commended Student, Reed School Scholarship
Caroline Chocholak: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, National Merit Commended Student, US Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Award
Jack Condon: Newtown Lacrosse Association Scholarship, Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship, Horticulture Club of Newtown Scholarship
Brian Cooney: Flex Department Award
David Corsi: Applied Science Research Book Award, Barton Weller Foundation Semi Finalist
Jessica Coughlin: Nurtury Award
Kelly Coughlin: 26 Angels Foundations Scholarship, Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, National Merit Commended Student, Newtown Visiting Nurse Association Scholarship
Andrew Cragin: National Merit Commended Student, English Department Book Award
David Csordas: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Reed School Scholarship, AP Chemistry Book Award, Lt. James Goodrich Scholarship, US Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Award
Malcolm Dance: Horticulture Club of Newtown Scholarship,
Aileen Decker: Art Department Book Award
William Decker: US Marines Corps Semper Fidelis Excellence in Music Award
Christopher Dedios: Glenn R. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship for Apprenticeship Program, Vincent Voccia Vocational Award Recognition
Emma DeFlumeri: Principal's Award
Casey Demers: Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation Scholarship
Jaret DeVellis: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Andrew DeWolfe: Sandy Hook Firehouse Community Award
Alexandra Dittrich: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student
Harrison Duffy: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Cornelius Dunn: Newtown Lacrosse Association Scholarship
Julian Dunn: CAS-CIAC Scholar/Athlete Award Recognition, Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Eliza Eggleston: Big Y Community Scholarship, Glenn R. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship for Swim and Dive, Newtown Lacrosse Association Scholarship, Newtown Youth Basketball Association Scholarship
Shaina Errico: Art Department Book Award
Kate Fallon: Hawley School PTA Scholarship
Jason Ferrari: Kidologie Scholarship, Math Chair Award, NYA Scholarship
Cassandra Fischer: Eleanor F. Moore Business Award
Hannah Fitzgerald: SCAN Scholarship
Jenna Friedrich: Culinary Department Award
Lily Fulmer: Chinese Book Award
Max Galassi: National Young Artists Foundation
Nikole Giovannone: Italian Book Award, Latin Exam Award Prose IV
Margaret Gorman: Paul W. Broggi Communication Award Recognition
Hannah Grant: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Class of 2015 Salutatorian, Biology Book Award, Senior Science Award, William Smith Mathematics Scholarship
Kayleigh Granville: Horticulture Club of Newtown Environmental Science, Latin Book award, Latin Exam Awards Prose IV
Brooke Hadgraft: Julie Judge Memorial Award, Newtown Federation of Teachers Scholarships, Newtown High School PTSA Scholarship, Principal's Award, Angels in Charge Scholarship, NYA Sports & Fitness Scholarship
Daniel Hamula: Newtown Youth Basketball Association Scholarship
Baxter Hankin: Newtown Cultural Arts Commission Scholarship
Jenna Hansen: Latin Exam Awards Prose IV
Humza Hashmi: Latin Exam Awards Latin III
Mairin Hayes: Biotechnology Book Award
Matthew Hess: Glenn R. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship for Swim and Dive
Nathyn Horvath: Newtown Cultural Arts Commission Scholarship
Graham Hubbert: Richard Sperling Award
Austin Huffman: Dolores Ventura Scholarship
Anna Jannott: Math Department Award
Haley Kean: Art Department Book Award, SCAN Scholarship
Jessica Keller: US Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award
Brenna Kelly: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, DAR American History Medal
Sean Kemsley: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, National Merit Commended Student
Christopher Koch: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student
Megan Korchman: World Language Department Award
Jacob Lambert: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship, US Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award
Craig Landgrebe: Hiram #18 Masonic Lodge Scholarship
Richard LaPak: Science Department Award, Physics Book Award
John Locke: Newtown School Nurse Monetary Award
Anita Luxkaranayagam: Big Y Community Scholarship, Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student
Sarah Lynch: Big Y Community Scholarship, Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Class of 2015 Valedictorian, SWC Leadership Award
Peter Manfredonia: VFW Outstanding Male Athlete Award
Alondra Marmolejos: Counseling Department Award
Amy Martinelli: Glenn R. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship for Swim and Dive
Sierra Mather: Physical Education Department Award
Sean McCafferty: Glenn R. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship for Swim and Dive
Amanda Mele: Norman D. McConnell Award
Catherine Menousek: Art Department Book Award
Kelsea Morshuk Allen: Oceanography Book Award
Veronica Moyer: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, English Department Book Award
Alexis Mulski: 26 Angels Foundations Scholarship, Chemistry Book Award
Jessica Nguyen: Working Women's Forum Scholarship
Micaela Nowacki: CABE Student Leader Award, CAS-CIAC Scholar/Athlete Award, Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Gray's Anatomy Book Award, National Merit Commended Student
Lindsay O'Donnell: Newtown Tennis Association Scholarship
Brandon O'Sullivan: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, National Merit Commended Student
Michael Parker: Sandy Hook School PTA Scholarship, Robert Glander Scholarship
Madeleine Peck: Newtown Youth Basketball Association Scholarship
Rory Phillips: Music Department Award
Jessica Plouffe: Biotechnology Book Award
Meghan Powers: Gray's Anatomy Book Award
Stephen Price: 26 Angels Foundations Scholarship, CABE Student Leader Award
Alexa Reilly: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Head O' Meadow PTA Scholarship, National Merit Commended Student Spanish
Sarah Riccio: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Spanish Culture
Emily Riley: Sandy Hook School PTA Scholarship
Nicholas Roche: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Glenn R. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship for Ice Hockey, Head O' Meadow PTA Scholarship, Newtown High School PTSA Scholarship, Reed School Scholarship, Pay it Forward Scholarship, Superintendent’s Award
Brandon Rodriguez: Art Department Book Award, SCAN Scholarship
Nicholas Rubino: SWC Leadership Award
Alyssa Ruefenacht: CAS Visual Arts Award
Jesse Sailer: Art Department Book Award
Nicholas Scalzo: Military Recognition
Robert Schreiber: Church Hill Physical Therapy Scholarship
John Seman: Biotechnology Book Award, Achievement Award
Luis Sierra: Tech Ed Department Award
Rory Staack: English Department Award
Michael Stierle: Principal's Award, Environmental Science Book Award, English Department Award, Western Connecticut Military Officers Association
Erik Street: Newtown Youth Football/Cheerleading Scholarship
Shelby Tolla: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, US Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award
Michael Triantafilidis: Art Department Book Award
Haley Trudell: Newtown Lacrosse Association Scholarship
Tonya Tucker: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Hiram #18 Masonic Lodge Scholarship
Noelle Veillette: US Marines Corps Semper Fidelis, Excellence in Music Award
Anthony Vournazos: Head O' Meadow PTA Scholarship
Kyle Watkins: CAS Performing Arts Award
Zachary Weiland: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, U.S. Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award
Halle Wilson: SCAN Scholarship
Katherine Wolff: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student
Katelyn Zimmerman: Class of 2015 Top Demi-Decile Student, Middle Gate PTA Scholarship, Superintendent’s Award, Weller Education Scholarship
Underclassmen Awards
Rilind Abazi: Vassar College Book Award Foundations of Health Science Technology Book Award, William Honan Award
Scott Alexander: Fairfield County Math Team Award, Society of Women Engineers Award, American Mathematics Competition
Daniel Arneth: Latin Award
Michael Arther: American Mathematics Competition
Seryne Aryeh: PTSA Reflections Contest
Chloe Blakeman: Art Department Book Award
Greta Capeci: Latin Award
Stefanie Carr: Chemistry Book Award
Elizabeth Chamiec-Case: Excellence in English Award
Simran Chand: Excellence in English Award, Chemistry Book Award
Dyllon Chowdhury: Latin Award
Rachel Crosby: Smith College Book Award, William Honan Award
Catherine DaPra: Latin Award
Silas Decker: Latin Award
Jessica Delp: Excellence in English Award
Anika Dholakia: Frederick Douglas & Susan B. Anthony Award
Benjamin Dieckman: American Mathematics Competition
Julia Doyle: Biology Book Award, Latin Award
Monique Dubois: American Mathematics Competition
Joseph Duero: American Mathematics Competition
Jenna Ehnot: Integrated Physical & Earth Science Book Award
Sophia El-Hag: Art Department Book Award
Julia Faxon: Fairfield University Book Award
Aidan Ford: Latin Award
James Frazzetta: Latin Award
Luke Gaynor: University of Rochester Xerox Innovation and Information Technology Award
Celia Gold: Wellesley College Book Award
Ashley Gong: Denison University Book Award, Latin Award
Brendan Gregory: Columbia University Book Award
Aysha Hafiz: Excellence in English Award
Quinlan Hart: Latin Award
Jonathan Holden: Latin Award
Sarah Houle: Integrated Physical & Earth Science Book Award
Thomas Hurley: Latin Award
Matthew Ingwersen: English Department Book Award, Bausch and Lomb Science Award, Physcis Book Award
Hayley Isdale: Latin Award
Valeriya Kadysheva: PTSA Reflections Contest
Amanda Kahn: University of Chicago Book Award
Sophie Kennen: Mount Holyoke College Book Award
Kathryn Kenny: Latin Award
Jordan Klein: Chemistry Book Award
Abigail Kohler: Fairfield County Math Team Award, Society of Women Engineers Award, Physics Book Award, American Mathematics Competition RPI Medal
David Kohler: Latin Award
William Kraus: Latin Award
Dylan Lew: Latin Award
Sean MacMullan: CAS Governor’s Scholar Award Recognition, Rochester Institute of Technology Computing Medal and Scholarship
George Marrazzo: Chemistry Book Award
Brittany Meisenheimer: Biotechnology Book Award
Josefina Mendez: Barnard College Book Award, Harvard University Book Award
Reginald Minor: Latin Award
Bridget Morrissey: Latin Award
Natalia Nikitchyuk: Latin Award
Henry Petrillo: Latin Award
Jack Procaccini: Astronomy Book Award
Isabel Pryor: Excellence in English Award
Alexandra Reczek: Latin Award
Garrett Reed: Latin Award
Kevin Reiss: American Mathematics Competition
Jack Riebe: Biology Book Award
Caelan Ritter: Fairfield County Math Team Award, Fairfield University Excellence in Math/Science Award, Recognition Gettysburg College Book Award, Latin Award, American Mathematics Competition
Cooper Roe: Latin Award
Cormac Roe: Latin Award
David Romano: Latin Award
Nicholas Samuelson: Harold DeGroat Award, University of Rochester George Eastman Young Leaders Award
Annalise Saraceni: Integrated Physical & Earth Science Book Award
Emma Schoetz: Latin Award
Melissa Shohet: American Mathematics Competition
Jacob Steinebrey: Latin Award
Dawson Stout: Latin Award
Alexander Street: Latin Award
Marissa Thill: Saint Michael’s College Book Award
Emily Toby: Excellence in English Award
Collin Tod: Latin Award
Kai Toomey: Latin Award
Benjamin Tuffy: Latin Award
Keira Veillette: Art Department Book Award
Forrest Weatherby: Saint Michael’s College Book Award
Allen Xue: American Mathematics Competition
Natalie Zimmerman: Norman D. McConnell Award.