An Ovation For TheNMS Dance Team
An Ovation For The
NMS Dance Team
To the Editor:
(The following letter has been received for publication in The Newtown Bee.)
To all the girls on the Dance Team at Newtown Middle School:
We, your loving mothers, would like to congratulate you on your hard work and effort that you put in to the dance team this year. You are such beautiful young ladies, with much talent, and energy and brought a lot of fun to those performances that we know you worked so hard to bring to your fellow classmates. Your shining example and hard work did not go unnoticed. We want you girls to know that you did NMS Dance team proud this year.
It is very unfortunate that your efforts were not properly recognized and given some type of award by your coach at the sports banquet today. Irregardless, we think you girls were outstanding and deserve a standing ovation.
This is for you, you go girls!!!
Cheryl Arend
Newtown                                                                   June 21, 2006