To the Editor:
To the Editor:
Have you seen a sample ballot for the upcoming election? The Republican (RTC) and Democratic Town Committee (DTC) have been playing games with their incumbent Board of Education candidates. Hereâs what I have discovered. Lisa Schwartz (D) resigned from the Board of Education. The DTC put forward several candidates to fill the open position. The then Board of Education members chose Richard Gaines from among that group of recommended persons. Mr Gaines is now serving on the board as a Democrat. Apparently, he did not vote the way they wanted on several hot issues so the Democrats refused to endorse him for this coming November 3 election. He is now running as an Independent Party candidate.
Incumbent William Hart, Jr, was chosen by the then Board of Education members to replace resigned Lorraine Santore, who had replaced Kathleen Chrystie who had been chosen to serve as the seventh member required by the charter change, increasing membership from six to seven. This summer, Mr Hart asked to be interviewed by the RTC for an endorsement. The RTC hedged, perhaps because Mr Hart is an independent thinker like Mr Haines. Mr Hart then asked the DTC for an endorsement; soon after he received a day and time for an interview. Suddenly, the RTC offered him an interview for the same day and time as the DTC appointment. âThat day and time or not at allâ was the message. He was unable to be in two places at the same time. Bill Hart is now running as an IPN candidate.
Both men have children in our schools and have been active in their respective schools. Each is an independent thinker who brings a fresh and professional perspective to the Board of Education. They have been immersed for some time in the many problems that a school board faces. Each wants to continue to serve so they asked for the endorsement of the Independent Party.
These two men vote for what they believe is best for the school system. They set party affiliation aside when making decisions. It seems obvious that the DTC and RTC want more control and more compliance with party positions rather than strong independent thinkers on the Board of Education. I prefer independent thinkers.
To learn more about their qualifications visit the IPN website
Ruby Johnson, PhD
16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook                     October 20, 2009