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Missing: Leadership And Courage



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Leadership And Courage

To the Editor:

There is a way to reduce our nation’s budget and gain control of the situation. Unfortunately, it will take “leadership” and “courage” and both traits are missing in Washington. The goal is to pay down the debt and not reduce yearly deficits. We need more than spending cuts. Major polls show a large majority of Americans do not support tax cuts to the wealthy or tax loopholes for corporations. The Republican Party doesn’t want to raise taxes. The Democratic Party wants to spend money any way possible. The Super Committee has sent its most obstinate obstructionists to take part in the non-negotiations. They can’t even agree to make small cuts and they hope to solve our fiscal problems? Why are these meetings behind closed doors? Why aren’t the American people allowed to see our government at work? It is nothing more than a dog and pony show. Let’s do some quick math. This Super Committee has been tasked with cutting $1.2 trillion over ten years which equates to $120 billion per year. Our deficit for this year alone is over $1.3 trillion. What a joke our government is, telling us they have to cut funding for education and social security but they continue to send money overseas by the truckload.

Why don’t we cut foreign aid? I’ll tell you why. It makes too much sense. We could save $50 billion a year or $500 billion in ten years by cutting foreign aid. Cutting foreign aid does not raise taxes and does not reduce Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits. Keeping the money here, helping the hungry, the homeless, the poor, and the jobless is a better alternative. The dysfunction and corruption in Washington needs to go! Voters, remember the inability of these do-nothing “lawmakers” to get the job done. Why don’t we just outsource our government? We could save money by putting congressional seats out to bid; the lowest bidder wins. The ruling class in this country will soon find out that having a healthy middle class is a necessity to having social peace. With all this negativity surrounding Washington, there is good news. Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s nationalized health care plan has every American covered. The bad news is that it will be with dirt! It’s time to get rid of the puppets and their masters.

Rich Narel

18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                      November 21, 2011

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